Do you require legal proof of your professional credentials or a contract, or a confirmation of medical or insurance records (i.e. have a document notarized)? Do you need to sign/execute a document such as an affidavit or a statutory declaration under oath (i.e. have a document commissioned)? Look no further!
Do you require legal proof of your
professional credentials or
a contract, or a confirmation
of medical or insurance records
(have a document notarized)?
Do you need to sign/execute
a document such as an affidavit or
a statutory declaration under oath
(have a document commissioned)?
Look no further!
Comprised of an Ontario-licensed lawyer, NB Law Firm can also prepare documents such as: statutory declarations, letters of invitation, Power of Attorney for Personal Care or Power of Attorney for Property (e.g. a bank account, a house). All documents drafted by NB Law Firm can be notarized on the spot!